Chapter 2: The First 24 Hours

Our second daughter, Kesyn Lisa, arrived on 4/14/14 at 11:24 PM Eastern. She was 6 pounds, 4 ounces and measured 19.5 inches in length.

I was able to focus a little more on the photography aspect that I wished I did when Nova was born. I took the camera out of the bag as soon as we got into the room at the hospital. I was able to snap some shots while Nicole was going through some contractions before I had to put the camera down and support her through till birth.

At this time, we were in the hospital room for about 45 minutes. She ended up having Kesyn a little over an hour later.

I gripped the camera shortly after Kesyn was born and was able to get the intimate first minutes of mother and daughter bonding as well.

And, of course, the first moments of little sister and big sister meeting for the first time!

Plus some others…

Coming Soon

Although Michigan weather is finally starting to break, the landscape still doesn’t give me much help with an outdoor maternity shoot. So, I set up the backdrop and strobe in the basement at our house to capture a belly shot of Nicole before she pops.